Hybrid 3D glasses from Volfoni

I’ve just received a very special pair of 3D glasses for evaluation from my friends of Volfoni: hybrid universal glasses.
They are simultaneously active and passive and on top of that, are universal, id est, they work with any 3DTV brand (theoretically), the closest to perfection.
The precise model I’ve tested is Volfoni ActiveEyes.

Hybrid 3D Glasses

On the WS of my work I have a Samsung active screen with nVIDIA 3D Vision and a passive screen from Hyundai, and it is really sweet to be able to use only a pair of glasses to watch 3D in both screens.
3DTV’s using active shutter glasses from LG, SONY, Panasonic and Samsung work (virtually) well with these glasses. Also passive screens from JVC, Hyundai and Samsung among others, so finally I will be able to go to my family and friends homes equipped with 3D TV’s and projectors with a single pair of glasses.
One thing is good and bad at the same time: it is bad because is something additional to the glasses, but good because this way the glasses are lighter if they are used in passive mode only, and the reason is it has a small wired device that connects to the glasses for working in active mode. This little box has a small clip that can be hold easily to a shirt.
This device must include some kind of integrated circuit able to recognize the IR patterns of each brand and adjust the proper shutting order and pace to the individual eyes correctly.
Th active mode does not work with sync systems different to IR (bluetooth, DLP link or RF), and I still have to test them if they work in cinemas using XpanD encrypted signals.
For some of those modes BT and RF, Volfoni sells an optional transmitter. Check Volfoni website for additional information or contact some distributor for precise requests.

4 comentarios sobre “Hybrid 3D glasses from Volfoni

  1. El problema es que los fabricates se encargan de ir cambiando sus propias especificaciones incluso entre sus propios modelos, lo que hace muy dificil llegar a las gafas universales.
    Por ejemplo, LG utiliza distinto ángulo de polarización en sus gafas 3D pasivas, según si son modelos Cinema 3D (compatible RealD) o LG Monitor 3D (compatible Zalman) incluso aunque los monitores tengan también TV.
    Por esto es muy dificil que unas solas gafas 3D sean compatibles para ambos ángulos de polarización excepto si puedes girar las lentes.

    1. primera noticia lo de los ángulos. Siempre he creído que los sistemas basados en filtros Xpol usan polarización circular. Nunca he tenido problemas usando gafas RealD en pantallas pasivas (Hyundai, JVC o LG).

      Enviado desde mi iPhone

      1. Me acabo de comprar un monitor LG DM2350D (que también es TV) y he comprobado lo de las gafas. Con las RealD se produce en algunas imágenes un ghoshing color morado (o crosstalk), que no ocurre con las gafas Monitor 3D de LG. Se comprueba facilmente usando las gafas RealD, y cuando aparece el ghoshing morado, si giras la cabeza 145º (o 135º según diferentes fuentes) a la izq., el ghoshing desaparece.

        Un extracto con la explicación original:
        «RealD have 0° left and 0° right, the LG Glasses for small TFTs have 145° / 145° (same as Zalman TFTs), thats why RealD Glasses are not compatible.

        But its not that easy… bigger LG Cinema 3D TVs have RealD like Glasses, so LG Glasses for bigger LG 3D TVs not working on smaller LG 3D TFTs. Thats while small Panels use 145°/145° and bigger Panels use 0°/0°.»

        Una página con un gran listado e información sobre gafas 3D:

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