I am continuosly getting emails offering money to buy my domains.
Recently got offers for 3Dbluray.com, cinema3D.com, futbol3D.com, peliculasHD.com, televisionHD.com, peliculas3D.com and 3Dmagazine.com
These domains and many others, related to HD and 3D are ALWAYS on sale, as well as my car, my watch, my DSLR camera, my video cameras or even my company.
The only thing people do not understand is that they are very beloved assets and are not cheap, so do not offer any amount that is not going to put the transaction among the TOP 100 sales of DNjournal.com if you expect an answer from me.
I hope this puts an end to ridiculous low offers I am getting.
6 comentarios sobre “My domains are ALWAYS on sale”
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Se entiende a la perfección 😀
así tendré un link para enviar a los pesaos que me ofrecen 5000€ por un dominio.
The only thing people DON’T understand IS that (THOSE DOMAINS) are very beloved…
gracias tío
people = singular es un fallo que repito desde siempre
😉 a ti. A ver si te hacen una buena oferta 🙂
lo cierto es que no quiero vender mi reloj, mis cámaras, mi coche, mis dominios, ni mi empresa, pero. a veces las ofertas son irrechazables.
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